Job Transition: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself
There was a time when “job” and “career” were synonymous. But the 2019 Bureau of Labor Statistics Employee Tenure Summary tells us that time is long gone, with people ages 25-34 averaging 2.8 years per job and people ages 35-44 averaging 4.9 years per job. So what does this mean for a career now? Simply, it means that a career is whatever you make of it.
How to Navigate the Emotional Landscape of a Career Change
On Thursday, March 12, I went into work as usual, and that evening we had our Final Dress Rehearsal for a mixed repertory program meant to open the next day. On Friday, March 13, I went into work and learned about the cancellation of the entire run of that mixed rep. It was being rescheduled for about two months later, and in the meantime, we were told to gather what we needed to work from home and leave the office.