Pay What You Decide: Is it Beneficial for Arts Organisations?
Does ‘Pay What You Can’ pay off?’ was the question asked by pricing consultants Baker Richards in Arts Professional last week. Remembering my commitment to using my energy more efficiently, I tried not to get too exercised about the rather negative tone of the article. However, in my view, it rather misses the point.
Shut Up! I’m Trying to Start a Theatre Company
I’ve always been envious of directors who know exactly what they want. When I picture them, they’re young, immaculately dressed and can rattle off obscure passages from plays I’ve never heard of. They were the presidents of their drama club at high school, graduated from Tisch and without exception, have founded groundbreaking companies.
Bringing Europe To London: LegalAliens’ Poker Face
LegalAliens is a London-based ensemble theatre company dedicated to producing original translations of contemporary European plays, particularly those which have not already been staged in the UK. Founded by Italian performer/producer Lara Parmiani and American director Becka McFadden, the company views translation as a collaborative process, and works to demystify European theatre, “getting rid of that label of inaccessibility and intellectualism it is often associated with”.