West End Show Ticket Prices Rise Post Pandemic
West End show ticket prices have risen to new heights due to inflation following the pandemic. According to The Stage, who compiled the numbers of ticket costs and the factors influencing pricing in their survey, tickets to West End shows are now 21% higher than the pre-pandemic cost. The most expensive tickets for plays and […]
#LoveTheatreDay 2017
Love Theatre Day, November 15, 2017. Love Theatre Day was created by Mar Dixon in 2014 to to celebrate theatre and raise awareness of the performing arts. In the early days of the event, Love Theatre Day highlighted greats work by theatres across the UK, and over the years, Love Theatre Day 2017 has spread across the globe. This year over 600 theatre organisations, media companies, and individuals are celebrating the event. The Stage is partnering with Love Theatre Day to reach as many arts enthusiasts around the world as possible.