Emily Joe: Interview With A Stage And Art Professional
Emily Joe has been a working professional in theatre, film, and television for just shy of a decade. She gained her experience and knowledge from working in various regional theatres ever since high school and recently made the jump to pursue film and television, holding previous roles of Stage Management PA at the Pasadena Playhouse, Geffen Playhouse and several other regional theatres and more recently as Art Department PA for Netflix and on the Amazon series Hunters. Emily is an all-rounder and ‘jack of all trades’, describing herself as a creative, which manifests in her work and hobbies which include photography and playing drums and guitar. During the quarantine period she was prop master for Laura Bell Bundy’s music video, American Girl.
Discrimination in Theatre: An Open Letter
The theatre and performing arts worlds seem to finally be waking up from the unapologetically inappropriate fantasy world they have situated themselves in for far too many years. We have grown comfortable in our complicity and that truly scares me. What kind of world are we creating for our future generations?