5 Easy Ways to Manage Stress at Work
As theatre artists and arts workers, we are often put into stressful situations and expected to “make it work” with very little money and not a lot of hourly compensation.
A Sound Designer Prepares: Mind and Body
When I’m preparing to go into tech for a new show, there’s a lot I have to do to prepare. Some of these things include: Making sure my paperwork is correct and up to date, checking all show hardware (speakers, mics, consoles, computers, etc.), programming consoles and playback systems, and making sure my crew is also prepped and ready to go. I must admit that I used to always prioritize these needs above my own personal needs. I’m a pretty tough person, and I know that I can power through hunger, aches, and pains, and sleep deprivation, but after years of operating in this way (and let’s be real, after getting older) I find that while I CAN still power through, it’s not worth it. My mind, body, and even my work suffer from that kind of self-neglect. In this blog, I’m letting you know about a few things I make sure to take care of when I’m preparing for a new show. These recommendations will keep you on the right track to mindful and healthy work.
We Need To Stop Glorifying Burnout In Higher Education
The pause in the theatre industry over the last year has allowed us all time to thoroughly re-examine the way our industry operates. Rather than working 24/7, many of us were given the time to fully process what our careers in theatre had been like up until that point. Though I have deeply missed theatre throughout the last year, I have not missed the extreme exhaustion that comes along with it. I have not missed the burnout. As much as I cannot wait to work in a theatre again, I find myself questioning whether or not I will still be able to handle that type of demanding work schedule.
Mental Health: Entertainment Technicians – Take Care of Yourself
Recently the music industry has started talking about mental health. After many tragedies losing incredibly talented people in the music industry due to mental health issues, artists and the music industry people are finally talking about very stigmatized issues. I feel like you can never talk too much about mental health, and very often those of us who work hard behind the scenes are often forgotten, and I believe that we also need to start talking about our general and mental health.
Avoiding An Event Hangover: Survival Tips
Have you been there? Done an event that starts at 6 am but doesn’t end until 3 or 4 am. Afterward, you go home, get some sleep, but you still have to get up at a reasonable time to function that day? Then you wake up feeling like you spent the night drinking way too much?
Stress and Fatigue Rife in Touring and Festival Personnel
There are two words that are currently on everyone’s lips in the world of event safety and they are: stress and fatigue. Problems arise when work pressure and an always-on lifestyle starts to get on top of you, or if you’re not receiving adequate support or time for your mental-health needs.
Stage Managers: How To Deal With Stress
We are already aware that as a stage manager, stress comes with the job. Everyone in the creative & production process is relying on you to know and communicate everyone’s needs and notes. You are the person responsible for everything, but have control over nothing. Read on for 7 ways we stage managers can deal with this stress.
Fighting Performance Stress: Part 2
In the second edition on how to combat stress and it’s partner in crime ‘burnout’, we will look at the physical body.
As a practicing Hong Kong doctor of many years, I see clearly how the stress of daily work can affect performers. There are two basic groups, the first having very physical jobs such as dancers. The second group are less mobile on stage-the singers, actors or musicians.
Travel The Globe: Performing Around The World
“And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!” – Louis Armstrong