Zurich’s International Theatre Festival – the ‘Zurich Theater Spektakel’
The International Theater festival “Zurich Theater Spektakel”, has been delighting a colorful mix of spectators for over 40 years. In a stunning location directly on the shores of Lake Zurich. Each summer, the Landiwiese park near Wollishofen is transformed into a fabulous backdrop for performance and theatre. With international ensembles performing on various stages. Some of these stages are even built over the water.
Thomas Schunke – Portrait of a Performance Artist
Thomas Schunke is a performance artist and filmmaker from Berlin, Germany. I met him in his home in Geneva, where we had a long chat about his life and work, creativity, the performing arts, and the future of performance. This portrait claims by no means to be complete. It is a moment in time, spent with an extraordinary artist.