Tama Ward: An Interview With The Sacred Canopy Founder
Tama Ward is the vision holder behind Sacred Canopy and its unique approach to biblical literacy and faith formation for children and youth. She is the lead theologian, storyteller, playwright, artistic director and curriculum writer for all of the Sacred Canopy initiatives. Tama’s parents were missionaries and she grew up in Kenya, East Africa. After […]
Jamey Grisham: Professional Actor and Storyteller – Theatre People
Welcome back to TheatrePeople, theatre people! This week I’m so pleased to introduce you to another incredible person in the world of the theatrical arts, Jamey Grisham.
Missy Whitis: Teacher and Storyteller – Theatre People
Hello again, Theatre People! We’re back again, this time celebrating an incredible storyteller and teacher, Missy Whitis. I first met Missy as a teaching artist on tour, and I was struck by her passion and incredible attention to detail concerning how to tell a great story across many media.