The Stage Manager Tag: Cynthia Reid
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Cynthia Reid based in Syracuse, NY – United States.
The Stage Manager Tag: Kate Mielke
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Kate Mielke based in Las Vegas, NV USA.
The Stage Manager Tag: Diana Knoepfle
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Diana Knoepfle based in Tucson, Az USA.
The Stage Manager Tag: Amanda Spooner
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is the wonderful Amanda Spooner based in Ithaca / New York City, NY.
Foundations of Courage: Do You Have a Baseplate?
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear” – Mark Twain
I remember the exact moment I read this quote many years ago. I was standing side of stage in an entertainment arena about to show call a live show in front of thousands of people and my computer where I typed my show call notes throughout the day’s rehearsal had crashed. My assistant had run off to print what was left of my prompt script and I was scared.
The Stage Manager Tag: Ellen Peck
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Ellen Peck, currently based in Alabama, USA.
The Stage Manager Tag: Jenni Ferg
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Jenni Ferg.
The Stage Manager Tag: Alana Clapp
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Alana Clapp.
The Stage Manager Tag: Amber Dettmers
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Amber Dettmers.
Stage Manager Tag: Lillian U
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Lillian U.
The Stage Manager Tag: Darren Kowacki
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Darren Kowacki, based out of Melbourne, Australia.
The Stage Manager Tag: Abigail Sandler
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is Abigail Sandler.
The Stage Manager Tag: David J. McGraw
We are asking stage managers around the world, in a stage manager tag, some key questions about their job. Here is David J. McGraw from America.
Being a Stage Manager, How It All Began: Gail Malatesta
Gail Malatesta is a US American stage manager with 30 years of experience. She has worked for a plethora of theatres over the years. During the last 10 years also for large corporations such as Universal Studios, Disney, and Royal Caribbean. We went on a trip down memory lane and chatted about a couple of Gail’s very first experiences in the entertainment industry…
The Beauty Of The Creative Process
Over the years, as a photographer, writer, and stage manager, I either created something myself or I witnessed the creative process unfold at my place of work. Through the years, one thing became evident: Be it for small creative projects or multi-million dollar shows, the essence of the creative process remains the same. Creation is at the heart of everything we do. How we do it is our personal choice. Yet, in the end it is a dance of strategy intertwined with trial and error.
My Turbulent Graduation from the HK Academy for Performing Arts
From 2011 to 2013, I studied Theatre, Stage & Events Management at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Never would I have expected my graduation from the Academy in August 2013 to turn out to be a mini-revolution. As one of only very few foreigners who graduated that day, I was at a loss and could only try to do my best to be respectful and not get in the way.
Sacha Savenkoff’s Journey to Technical Director – Part 3
From hobby technician and DJ in the clubs of his youth, Sacha Savenkoff’s journey to Technical Director led him through theme parks, ice skating shows, to cruise ships. His first contract was with MSC. Then, in 2010, Sacha began working as a lighting technician for Royal Caribbean. In this final part of our interview find out how Sacha kept growing towards Technical Director…
Charly Ortega: The Challenges Of Partnerships
Early on, Charly Ortega found himself working for shows that were brought to life in collaboration with large corporations. He was fascinated by the challenges these business partnerships presented in his daily work as a stage manager. And, he decided to specialize in navigating these unique environments.
Stage Management on one of the World’s Largest Cruise Ships – Part 4
In the fall of 2019, I entered the world of stage management on cruise ships. At that time, I was offered a contract as Senior Stage & Production Manager on the Oasis of the Seas. With no regular handover and no handover notes, it took me about a month to get on top of all admin and organizational duties. Thankfully, I had a wonderful cast and crew, who supported and trusted me. Now, to tackle the show call.
Stage Management on one of the World’s Largest Cruise Ships – Part 3
In the fall of 2019, I was offered a contract as Senior Stage & Production Manager on the Oasis of the Seas, one of the World’s largest cruise ships. After the first week, my predecessor left, as did the whole production team which had just finished the creation of our new show Aqua80. I received some last good advice, email addresses and phone numbers for emergencies, and was then left pretty much to my own devices.
Stage Management on one of the World’s Largest Cruise Ships – Part 2
In the fall of 2019, I was offered a contract as Senior Stage & Production Manager on the Oasis of the Seas, one of the World’s largest cruise ships. As soon as I arrived onboard, I found out that nothing was going to be as I had thought. I wasn’t too surprised. Changing plans are the norm rather than the exception in the entertainment industry, be the venue located on the ocean or elsewhere.
NFL COVID Plan: What the Theatre Industry Can Learn
I’ve often compared Theatre and Sports, specifically football. But not just because I love both theatre and football! Our actors are like the athletes, and the support staff, designers, creative team, all function as various coaches, coordinators, while the team owner and the lead producer are almost identical. Finally, sports and theatre both are emotional and communal experiences that exist in the moment.
Stage Management on One of the World’s Largest Cruise Ships – Part 1
In the fall of 2019, Royal Caribbean offered me a contract as Senior Stage & Production Manager on the cruise ship Oasis of the Seas, one of the largest on the planet. I was supposed to take over the Aqua Theater onboard. A beautiful amphitheater with 700 seats.
Keep Your Cool Backstage as a Stage Manager: 12 Insights
When I first entered the world of live entertainment, I wasn’t inexperienced as an employee. Quite the contrary, I already had twenty years of diverse international work experience under my belt at that point.