Your Theatre Career: Freelance or Full-Time?
I was recently offered a full-time position, and although I turned it down — it got me thinking: Freelance or Full-time? Which path should I pursue? Ever since I read the line in a cheesy Arthurian lore novel, I’ve been a huge fan of the idea that our best decisions are made when our head and our hearts agree. But what happens when there doesn’t seem to be a compromise?
Career Choices: Follow Your Heart Or Play It Safe?
I am currently sitting in an office in Zurich, Switzerland, designing presentations for a global consulting company. It’s reasonably creative. Work conditions are excellent. Great infrastructure. Superb management. And smooth teamwork due to everyone being highly trained for their assigned roles.
Outdoor Event Management: Are You Prepared?
Entertainment events are generally held indoors in theatres and arenas, but some occur outside in a variety of different conditions. When events are held outdoors, it becomes a challenge for all staff members. Extra consideration must be held when performers are required to perform in special circumstances such as parades, publicity events, and television appearances.