26th December 2024


Protecting Your Energy As A Performer

Protecting Your Energy As A Performer TheatreArtLife

Protecting your energy as a performer isn’t always a walk in the park. As artists, having enough energy and stamina to get through a performance week without feeling depleted is the ultimate dream. Few of us reach this point, and it has become the norm to feel constantly fatigued, run down, and burnt out. This […]

The Difference Between Busy And Productive

The Difference Between Busy And Productive TheatreArtLife

As performers, it can be hard to define the difference between being busy and productive. “Busy” is often the first thing we say when someone asks us how we are doing, or what we have been up to. It has almost become an expected response–something we don’t even question. Performers thrive on hustle culture, where […]

I Make My Own Bed

Every day I make my bed.
I don’t always feel like making it.
But still, I make my bed.

Getting Your Head In The Game – The Pre Show Routine

Pre Show Routine

Have you ever watched athletes arrive at an arena hours before the game begins? Or read an entire article that is just about how an actor gets into character for a film shoot? Do you know someone who has a weird superstitious ritual that they do before giving a presentation, or taking an exam, or even just before leaving the house?
These scenarios are alike because they show us that preparation is key.

Breaking Patterns And Boosting Our Creativity

Breaking Patterns And Boosting Our Creativity

Creativity doesn’t happen on demand. When I was doing eight shows a week in Disney’s The Lion King, I was unwittingly putting myself in a creative rut. Not only was I doing the same show every night (sometimes twice a day), but I was doing the same warm up, eating the same meals, taking the same route to work, and cross-training in the same ways.

Embracing Disruption to Your Daily Routine

Embracing Disruption

This week I’ve been thinking a lot about disruption. I used to only think of the word ‘disruption’ as being something negative, but since its adoption as a term within the worlds of change and innovation, it is often now used to describe something positive.



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