Happy New Lockdown: UK Measures In Place Until February
In a disappointing start to 2021, it has been announced that many parts of the UK will be in a new lockdown until the middle of February at least. In a public statement released at 8pm on 4th January, Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation to outline the new measures and what they will mean.
Vocal Health In A Global Pandemic
Keeping your voice in good health and form can be a challenging and confusing task for singers even during “normal” circumstances, but add on a global pandemic along with the stress that is associated with it and a singer may feel lost or discouraged regarding their voice.
Black Lives Matter in Spain: What We Can Do
George Floyd is not a unique case. His name is added to a very long list of people of African descent killed by the police or by improvised vigilantes in the US.
Women’s Audio Mission: Free Online Learning Resources
During this time of crisis, Women’s Audio Mission are offering their collection of online learning resources and training materials free to everyone.