Interview with Johannes Hedinger, Founder of Art Safiental (2/2)
The ART SAFIENTAL Biennial in the Swiss Safiental is taking place right at this moment until October 23rd, 2022. This year the land art is presented under the theme Learning from the Earth. We had the pleasure to be able to interview the founder of Art Safiental, Johannes Hedinger, who gave us a wonderful overview of the unique location of the Biennial. He also shared with us how Art Safiental has developed in the remote Safien valley over the last 8 years, and where the foundation is headed. This is part 2 of 2.
New Research Shows Support for Abolishing 10 out of 12s
Recent research regarding 10 out of 12 workdays shows that many industry workers are in favor of abolishing the practice. Tanner Richardett, a recent graduate of Drexel University with a master’s degree in Arts Administration, conducted a survey of theatre in the Greater Philadelphia Area to gather opinions about 10 out of 12s and 6-day workweeks. The research revealed that 83.5 percent of those surveyed agreed with the group No More 10/12s’ reasons for abolishing 10 out of 12s.
Looking To Pursue A BFA In Musical Theatre/Acting In College?
Pursuing a degree in musical theatre or acting is a process. It can also be very costly and stressful. There are increasing demands and requirements placed on students hoping to get into a top performing arts program. Each and every year the competition continues to increase.
Here are 5 tips to help you command the spotlight.