Social Media And Your Online Reputation
I like to read a lot of articles via sites like AV Nation, Inc. , Pro Sound Web, Forbes, etc. I read each platform for different reasons. Inspiration, motivation, to learn about new products, business storylines and all in all to stay in the know. One key factor that is consistent across each of these platforms is the topic of millennials. 10 mistakes millennials need to stop making, what millennials want from the workplace, millennials and how we use social media trends.
Raised By The Beat With Steeve Austin
Steeve Austin is a choreographer, dance teacher and entrepreneur. He started his career as a dancer for shows and promo-tours. Mostly gigs for Nike, L.A.gear, Adidas and more. Autodidact till the age of 17, he moved on to get dance roles in musicals. Very soon something deep inside pushed Steeve towards passing on what he had learned to others. Teaching would grow to become one of his life’s passions. This would give him the opportunity to travel the world.