The Royal Opera House And National Theatre Announce Redundancies
Following the UK government’s Arts bailout in early July, The Royal Opera House and National Theatre announce redundancies.
Automation Programming Tips: Important Steps To Cue Writing
When it comes to automation programming, it is important to trust your team’s key strokes, but for everyone’s safety, trust, but verify. Verification of a cue requires one thing, validation.
Safety: The Show Must Go On – Or Does It?
Rough day at the office? Equipment issues? Running low on operators, maintenance technicians, show callers or artists due to illness? Well, for all those cast and crew members working in the circus, resident theatres, cruise ships, rock tours or anywhere else in the live entertainment industry, we have all heard the old saying, “The show must go on.”
Redundancy in Theatrical Systems
Redundancy in Theatrical Systems: Maintaining the balance.
“Two is one and one is none.” This famous phrase describing redundancy, coined by the United States Navy Seals, was used to remind themselves of the basic concept that having one of something is the same as having nothing; leaving the operation open to failure and putting the military operation or people’s lives in the hand of chance.