Expectations Vs Reality in Your Entertainment Career
A few weeks back at the end of our “Connecting Your Art to Your Future” post, I proposed that we potentially lose motivation in our work because it hasn’t panned out how we expected it to. It’s had me thinking ever since. My coming to terms with the reality of this business some time ago came out of my own financial worries as I was preparing to leave school. All that was being fed to us was a general sense of aspiration and dreamlike scenarios. It didn’t feel real. And it wasn’t. But who doesn’t want to hold on to an optimistic vantage point, right? Especially when you’re young.
Keys To Transcending Life’s Push And Pull
We are made of the same stuff, we play on different fields, create different frequencies, yet we don’t know how to live in the cut. The cut is life’s constant push and pull. The keys to transcending this, is to understand how coolness is achieved. It is to pause and reflect, yet remain aware of the way we express our individuality with harmony.