Leading From Your ‘Why’ Can Change Everything
The old adage “the journey is the reward” has been around for thousands of years and has been known by many names. The Tao Te Ching refers to it as the way, while in ancient Greece the Oracle at Delphi spoke of “living life in the present moment” when she prophesied about her own death. […]
Thinking of Yourself Like a Business
There is a key difference between artists who can make a living from their art and artists who can’t seem to pull in sustainable income. That fundamental difference lies is in their business model – or if there even exists a business model at all.
An Artistic Career: The Ultimate Paradox
A paradox is a circumstance made up of seemingly contradictory features or qualities. It is a tug of war where there is no right or wrong. Where the only answer is balance. This is the very dilemma of the artist; the tug of war between the creative self and the need to grow a sustainable business in order to continue to create.