5th February 2025


The Fight for the Baton and Gender Equality

Gender Equality

by Lydia Guía The iconic scene of a woman bringing a chair in the middle of a concert to watch and learn the conducting of an orchestra by a famous male conductor, and then being expelled from the place, showed me how bravely this woman tried to pursue her dream. This scene could be from […]

Female Headliners Remain Few At 2022 UK Festivals

Female Headliners Remain Few At 2022 UK Festivals TheatreArtLife

The Musicians’ Union has expressed disappointment that the statistics for the 2022 festival season are still not balanced in terms of gender representation of female headliners. Following new BBC research, only 13% of artists headlining this summer are women. The findings Out of 200 headline acts looked at, the BBC study found: 26 (13%) were […]

COVID-19 and the Opportunity for a Gender Parity Reset and More

gender parity

The Metropolitan Opera, one of the largest performing arts institutions in the United States, just announced that it will remain closed until September 2021. They also announced that they will reopen with a new opera by a Black composer, the first Black composer in the organization’s 140-year history. Opera, Broadway, dance, and theater-makers are taking the long overdue and necessary steps for the changes needed in the industry in terms of the LGBTQ community, sexism, and racism both behind and in front of and the curtain. I don’t want to be insensitive to those theater-makers experiencing hardships, but the COVID-19 shutdown has given us an opportunity for a global reset.

Female Sound Engineer in Bollywood: Giving Up Was Not A Choice

Priyanka SE I come from a family of bankers, doctors, and engineers & therefore have always considered myself to be the black sheep of the family as I’m more inclined towards Art, People & Culture. When I was seven years old, it was my father who discovered that I had a fascination for sound and […]

The Accidental Feminist: One Man’s Story

Accidental Feminist

Something that I’ve only recently discovered, through my own chauvinism (and it came as a bit of a surprise), is that I’m a feminist. This is a topic of conversation that many men, or at least those that are willing to discuss it, will tread with great caution. As with most things that one knows relatively little about it’s often considered wise to remain quiet and be considered a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Time’s Up! Practical Tips For Equality In The Workplace

Equality In The WorkPlace

We have all read the articles about the lack of women and diversity in music production. Articles titled, “Where are all the Women in (insert your discipline here)? We have all seen the clickbait headlines “Women have better Hearing than Men,” “What’s it Like Being the Only Women on Tour?”, and we have all read the comment sections that soon turn nasty.



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