Starting Your Freelance Business
Written by Becky Willard If the thought of being a freelancer scares the bajeebers out of you….I completely understand. Because it IS scary. Especially if you’ve had a good few years feeling the comforts of a steady paycheck and insurance a “regular job” can bring. After being a freelancer (aka being a music business owner […]
Coronavirus Cancellations in Entertainment: What Else To Do?
It’s easy to think that 2020 might be a write off? At this point, we’ve narrowly avoided World War 3 between the US and Iran, we’ve been seeing the largest bushfires on record in Australia and then now, Coronavirus.
Gig Cancellations due to Coronavirus: Survival Tips for Freelancers
A few days ago, I came across this tweet and thought, “we are all pretty screwed if the freelancers who never mention money are now worrying about money”:
Knowing Your Worth And Getting Paid: Freelancing
I’m going to jump right into the nitty-gritty: payment. First of all, we as women and as creatives often sell ourselves short when it comes to how much we charge and how strict we are about receiving payment. We’ve all been there. You’re spending hours on a song, an EP, an album, and you haven’t even seen half of what you should’ve made yet.
Freelancing? Here Are 3 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation
As an experienced hiring manager, there are three ways someone could quickly ruin their chance for work with an organization. Someone could even ruin their chances before the event starts. So, as you may be looking to do some freelancing, get a new gig or join a new crew, I advise not making these three mistakes.
5 Steps To Take After Losing Your Job
Three years ago, something happened to me that could happen to any freelancer: I woke up one morning to an email from a production company terminating my freelance employment with them. In one click I lost a gig that brought in over half my monthly income at the time. Cue significant worry and mild panic!