The Hello / Goodbye: Expat Life
It’s 12:55pm and you’re sitting in a busy café in Melbourne waiting to meet a friend. Just off a flight, you are really struggling to stay awake, but you will not let jet lag bring you down. You sit there wondering why you didn’t choose to go to Mexico or Hawaii instead. Somewhere you could have sat on a beach in the sun reading a book.
A Pen To Paper, A Poem: Circus Life In Macau
Editors Note: Noelle Croner, originally from the USA, lives in Macau, China. Noelle plays “The Dark Queen”, a lead character in “The House of Dancing Water”, a 250 million dollar aquatic mega show in Macau. Noelle writes about her transition from the USA to China and the impact it had on her personal life. Through journaling and writing, she worked through the changes in her life and continues to write regularly. This poem was performed by a group of artists for a charity show in Macau to raise funds for a suicide support hotline in the local area.