Fix The Mix Report: Women & NB Producers Are Lost
The release of the first annual Fix The Mix report has found that women and non-binary producers and engineers are lost in the mix across the music industry. The studies were undertaken in a collaborative effort between We Are Moving the Needle, Jaxsta, Middle Tennessee State University and Howard University, with the findings presented by […]
Knowing Your Worth And Getting Paid: Freelancing
I’m going to jump right into the nitty-gritty: payment. First of all, we as women and as creatives often sell ourselves short when it comes to how much we charge and how strict we are about receiving payment. We’ve all been there. You’re spending hours on a song, an EP, an album, and you haven’t even seen half of what you should’ve made yet.
Getting The Most From Your Education
The decision to choose the right college or university, let alone a program of study that you actually want to do for the rest of your life, is a very tough decision…especially now as the young adults entering this portion of life are only 17 years old. How do you know what you want to do/be for the rest of your life at 17?!?! Actually, for some, they already know from well before then, for others, it’s a much longer journey.