Earning Your Place in the Spotlight
Owning a dance studio is tricky. Parenting a teenager is tricky. Parenting a teenager who dances at the studio you own is nearly impossible. I wear a lot of hats at the studio – director, choreographer, costume designer, music editor, cheerleader, janitor…the list goes on. Most of the time, I can switch them out at a moment’s notice, but the balance between the mom hat and the dance teacher hat takes some juggling that I have not yet mastered.
Watching My Daughter Go On Tour
One of my daughters has run away and joined the circus – The Warped Tour that is. Although, she is no stranger to the road, it is the first time she is out there on her own, getting paid, being part of a crew. As the date to leave approached, she asked if I had any wisdom to part with her.
Who Is Jack? Anna Robb’s Entry Into Entertainment
It is 1980. A small country hall allied to the neighbouring parish church and school and bordered on two sides, east and south by the same said buildings.
Over distant and recent decades this iconic venue had witnessed many and varied gatherings of the surrounding farming and its rural town settlers, steeped in generations of survival from the pioneer days and their often parochial attitude.