Cruise Ships – Life At Sea
My journey working on cruise ships started when I wanted to move to La Paz, near Los Cabos by the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. It was very uncertain how I could make a living there working in the arts but I had heard that most musicians that lived in Los Cabos would work on […]
Cruise Ship Adventures: My Favorite Place
I get this question. ALL of the time.“So tell me, where is your favorite place you’ve ever been?” I’ve been to 58 Countries. I mean… That is from what I can remember anyway. I had to go into that app “Places I’ve been” and type them in to count. Ha! But there I was looking at some of the countries going, “wait.. did I go there?” So those ones I wasn’t sure on, I just left. I’m sure I’ll visit them at some point. One can only hope.
Show Creation on Cruise Ships: Another Opening, Another Show
“This will be my only contract” ……….. 13 years later.But in 2005 when I started my first contract, I said that. Multiple times. Okay yeah, throughout the contract and even while I was home after my first contract. I know.. I can’t believe it either! Ha!!
Managing Money: What Cruise Ship Pay Checks Taught Me
It’s been a while since we talked about cruise ships but I was recently reading a post somewhere that said you should try to live the first few days after you receive a paycheck the same as the last few days leading up to it (in terms of spending). I laughed because I understood the idea but then I realized, I have never fully shook the mentality of getting paid once a month.
Burnout in the Arts: A Millennial Perspective
Burnout is a funny thing. I think it’s very cool we talk about it these days. I think it’s weirdly alarming how common it is.Like – my grandparents have been dead a while now, but I can’t imagine any of them having much to say about burnout. You just do what you have to do, right?
Applause Applause: Finding Creative Satisfaction On Cruise Ships
In a climate where validation comes in the form of social media follows and likes, how important is personal feedback in the artistic community for those behind-the-scenes in creative roles?
Is The Role Of A Rehearsal Director Artistic Or Scientific?
Is the role of rehearsal director/ associate choreographer wholly creative? Or is it more of a scientific logistical challenge? The dichotomous skills needed to succeed at the job encompass both sides of the brain and require strong leadership abilities and intuition.
Tales Of Cruise Ship Life, Part 7: Time To Explore A New World
Dear David…I have walked into many adventures in my life, but this cruise ship gig is one for the books. Thank God that I have Alan here to help make sense of this crazy world. With having him here it’s just like old times. I remember how you didn’t quite understand my friendship with Alan, thinking he was a complete nutcase.
Exposure Or Serial Killers? YouTube, Talent Shows & Specialty Acts
In 2017, things have to go fast, as time goes by, our society is becoming less patient and it’s no secret that attention deficit disorder is a growing concern, not only among kids, but also for grown-ups. As a result, people are now watching excerpts of TV shows on Youtube instead of full episodes, most shows (circus, dance or plays) are now requested to not run longer than 90 minutes plus intermission and we, as artists, are directly affected by this shift: Some producers and directors prefer to watch a demo reel online than to attend a full show, 2:30 is the maximum time allowed for an act on those “Got Talent” shows and most Specialty Acts on cruise ships don’t go longer than 3 minutes (nor do most songs for vocalists).
Steph Parry: From West End To The Caribbean – An Interview
Steph Parry has spent the last five years as part of the ensemble in a number of West End productions and is now leading the cast of MAMMA MIA! on board Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas. I caught up with her in her sunny cabin in the Caribbean over an English cuppa, surrounded by her books and a mirror full of positivity quotes….
A Moment With Marie-Lou Morin: From Cruise Ships To The Olympics
Marie-Lou Morin is training for Tokyo 2020 as part of the Canadian National Synchronized Swimming Team. Prior to this intense training regime, Marie-Lou was on a cruise ship performing onstage as part of the Harmony of the Seas aquatic show for Royal Caribbean. She took a moment out of her training to give a quick insight into her life.
Being Present: More Haste Equals Less Life
We live our lives at 100mph and, in a world where even coffee can be mobile-ordered, the need for human interaction is fading into oblivion. Being busy is all the rage and since, according to the laws of attraction, we all live the life we want, many of us are attracted to a life of stress; of living at speed.
Performing And Travelling The World With Sydney Brown
Sydney Brown makes her living by travelling the world and performing on cruise ships. TheatreArtLife caught up with Sydney to ask her for her favourite locations and what are the best and worst parts of her job.
Want To Work On A Cruise Ship?
Should you consider working aboard a cruise ship? Entertainment on cruise ships is a growing industry; today there are theater shows, atrium shows, ice-skating shows, parades and even water shows!
My Life Performing On A Cruise Ship
Believe it or not, I started working on cruise ships by mistake. I attended a dance audition in Paris just because a friend of mine wanted to apply for the position and needed a ride to Paris. At the time I thought, if I’m in Paris already, why not take a free class? Long story short, I got the job as an acrobat a few weeks later.
Auditions For Cruise Ships: The Dance Call
I remember my 1998 Royal Caribbean audition as though it was yesterday….hundreds of dancers lining up outside Danceworks in London, all hoping to perform their way to Caribbean beaches. Dancing a couple of combinations taught by a feisty full-of-energy redhead where if you didn’t smile and have fun, you were cut.