Cellist Yo-Yo Ma Launches Bach Online Masterclass Series
Renowned virtuoso cellist Yo-Yo Ma is launching a virtual online series studying the music of J.S. Bach. The interactive virtual program features special guests, and runs for eight information-filled weeks, sure to delight cellists everywhere. The virtual online series The experience is varied, taking participants on an interesting journey through the music of Bach, and […]
Julie McInnes – Musician: Being Bold Matters
The extremely talented Julie McInnes has spent her life immersed in performance. An accomplished musician, actress, and singer, she has had a long career from expressing herself creatively for Circus Oz to playing a lead character on tour to delivering the daily grind of resident shows in Las Vegas. Julies shares with TheatreArtLife insight into her life, career, and thoughts on the theatre industry and her path within it.