Rigging: A Skill For All Technicians
As an automation guy, the link between my job and rigging seems very obvious. I fly scenery and/or people above other people’s heads all of the time. So I recently decided to add some extra knowledge and got myself on one of UK Rigging’s basic rigging courses.
Raised By The Beat With Steeve Austin
Steeve Austin is a choreographer, dance teacher and entrepreneur. He started his career as a dancer for shows and promo-tours. Mostly gigs for Nike, L.A.gear, Adidas and more. Autodidact till the age of 17, he moved on to get dance roles in musicals. Very soon something deep inside pushed Steeve towards passing on what he had learned to others. Teaching would grow to become one of his life’s passions. This would give him the opportunity to travel the world.
Pursuing A Dream
I think most of us working in the entertainment industry, whether onstage or behind the scenes, all do it because we are passionate about it, about perfecting our respective crafts, always eager to learn, and enjoy the variety that it brings. When we all have to work while others get to go out and play, you simply have to be passionate about it. However, I would also venture to say that we all need to have passions in addition to our chosen career paths, and recently, I’ve discovered the importance of pursuing those interests outside work.
What Do You Do For A Living?
I must admit that talking about my job is one of my greatest pleasures.
I would even say that the most fabulous part is to see the eyes of the listener go wide, revealing a sense of surprise and obvious curiosity.
It reminds me every time of how lucky and happy I am to be a minstrel props and set designer.
When To Leave Your Job: Telling Time
Off the back of the article my friend Jay Withee wrote recently – Costs of Losing Long-Term Employees: Walking Knowledge – I thought I’d flip the coin and touch on a subject that has been important to my career. Knowing when it’s time to move on.
Career Choices: Follow Your Heart Or Play It Safe?
I am currently sitting in an office in Zurich, Switzerland, designing presentations for a global consulting company. It’s reasonably creative. Work conditions are excellent. Great infrastructure. Superb management. And smooth teamwork due to everyone being highly trained for their assigned roles.
The Inside Scoop On Theatre Internships
There comes a time in life when those of us who grew up doing theatre realize we aren’t going to be the next Ben Platt; 23 years old with Pitch Perfect as a film credit, a leading role in Broadway’s hottest ticket and a Tony Award to show for it. While some people do “make it” in the theatre industry, many decide to make careers out of theatre in entirely different ways.
Entertainment Industry: How To Find Your Fit?
It was 18:05 on a Thursday and I walked out into the floral air of the concert hall foyer. Filled with gold bannisters and plush carpets, the room was starting to fill. Tribes of classical music fans filled the foyer sipping champagne and pensively flicking through programs as they discuss the affairs of the day with each other.
Stage Management: Fake It Till You Make It Some More
I distinctly remember the very first professional stage manager I worked with. His name was Bruce, he wore a stopwatch around his neck, and he smoked like a chimney. Truth be told, I remember very little else about him, other than he was very on top of making sure all Equity breaks were taken at the appropriate times.
Matthew Jessner: Retracing The Path
What Have You Been Up To?
Recently faced with retracing the path I’ve been on over the past 15 years, the scent of nostalgia yields to the freshness of perspective that it lends.
“So, what have you been up to…?”
Who would have thought that that was such a loaded question?
It was asked sincerely, and it jolted me to reflect. Often in this situation, we review chronological milestones to the best of our recollection; A zig-zaggedy ride that reveals wild improvisation, and how much we are affected by unforeseen circumstances.