UK Arts Funding Shake Up: Cuts And Chaos
Arts Council England has announced a shake-up in funding cuts that will affect opera, with a focus on moving the Arts out of London in the coming years. The plans for a new model have caused concern from many in the UK over what might lay ahead following the rebuilding in a post-pandemic climate. The […]
Diversity in Arts: You Can’t Just “Do” Diversity
Last week Arts Council England published their latest diversity report, with statistics about the make-up of the workforce across National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs) as well as the Creative Case for Diversity ratings.
Pay What You Decide: Is it Beneficial for Arts Organisations?
Does ‘Pay What You Can’ pay off?’ was the question asked by pricing consultants Baker Richards in Arts Professional last week. Remembering my commitment to using my energy more efficiently, I tried not to get too exercised about the rather negative tone of the article. However, in my view, it rather misses the point.
Environmentally Friendly Arts Organisations
Here at ARC, we challenge ourselves to make a difference to the wider world. Last week, we spent some time talking about our environmental impact, particularly looking at our energy consumption. It also made me wonder how efficiently I was using my personal energy…
Backwards Planning: Yes! It’s a Thing
When you are planning do you start at the beginning or at the end. Here is some justification for actually starting at the end and planning backwards. Where do you want to be when the plan is finished? What’s the step just before you are finished? What resources do you need along the way, and what is the best time to do forward planning?
Embracing Disruption to Your Daily Routine
This week I’ve been thinking a lot about disruption. I used to only think of the word ‘disruption’ as being something negative, but since its adoption as a term within the worlds of change and innovation, it is often now used to describe something positive.
4 Essential Steps for Creating a Successful Marketing Plan
Before you go off on a marketing tangent – make sure you understand the steps to follow when looking to expand your market. Here is a short roadmap for doing just what you need – put some structure to your marketing planning and then execute and evaluate.