We are asking lighting experts around the world, in the “Who Lights Our World” series, some key questions about their job. Here is Dawn Chiang based in Bridgeport, CT, USA.
1. What lighting console do you prefer working with?
ETC Eos.
2. What do you always have with you at your console?
Spiral notepad.
3. Mac or PC?
4. What may be surprising that you don’t use?
No laptop at the tech table.
5. Coffee or Tea?
6. What is your favorite genre of entertainment to work in?
7. What is your favorite color combination and why?
R80 blue and a pale tint — a great way of modeling and creating contrast.
8. Who is an lighting designer that you admire and respect?
Tharon Musser.
9. What are the top 5 skill sets that a Lighting Designer/Technician should have?
Designer: Visual imagination, ability to communicate, ability to translate visual ideas from imagination to the stage, endless curiosity, work and play well with others.
10. What is the best type of client/boss/director?
Director who is visually literate — and can communicate effectively about that as it relates to the scene, the moment and production overall.
11. Do you prefer a window or aisle seat?
11. What advice do you have for those who want to become a lighting designer or a lighting technician?
Continue to hone your art and craft, look for the most professional settings in which to work and people to learn from, continue to reach out and meet people in the industry, never stop learning.
Other Who Lights Our World:
Who Lights Our World: Megan Reilly
Who Lights Our World: Zach Blane
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