7th January 2025


On Fame: The Side Effect But Not The Goal


Fame is a side effect. It should not be the aim, the goal, or worst, the purpose. We must keep our eyes on the path, though we are taught to always be looking at the prize. Keeping our eyes on the prize takes double the energy. It also saps energy from what is important.

Existential crises are born when we react and get stuck in outcomes instead of finding or understanding causes. We live our duality in reverse, effects eventually morph into a myriad of entities we have to destroy.  They create decay and then put it on speed. We add effect upon effect without discovering what sets the wheels in motion.

Love is the primary cause. To love is to evolve, to unroll from a source. Love is in evolution and revolution. It revolves around the central axis, as the earth revolves around her sun. The Earth does not stand alone in the vast Universe. We humans do not stand alone upon the Earth. Why have we allowed the word revolve to become a weapon against love?

Truth is Primary. Essence is fundamental; personality is secondary.

People get caught up in crafting personalities without ever understanding the original essence of their being — the breath or life-force. Knowledge in the absence of truth is misleading and subjective, never objective. We have developed addictions to complicated things. We have disfigured the words that rule our psyche and dismembered ourselves in the process. Hence, we walk this world in duplicity.

Fame − we aren’t entitled to it nor have ownership over it.

We can have ownership over our successes but should try to avoid getting swayed by the more mythical sphere of fame. There is a fundamental difference between owning from the heart and owning from the ego. From an egotistical stance, we tell ourselves stories about who we are and what we are entitled to keep. Fame is frequently ascribed to a person by others, or by a string of events one can’t always control. Because they being vetoed out by the masses, some try to hold fame hostage, which binds the people enabling it.

When success comes along, like a teacher, it tests your character, your values, your integrity, and your ego.

It asks “Are you ready to migrate into new territories? Are you willing to work FOR your passion, FOR success, FOR fame?” Are you ready to serve?

Suddenly we are thrust into the elusive dimension of “I have made it.” But it doesn’t prepare you for the awakening. The personality holds on to the image while the spirit yearns to be free of it. Fame is too heavy to carry, so famous people often end up serving through charitable work. Charity is compassion, and compassion is co-suffering. Charity is their way of tipping the scale.

But is it authentic? That is another realm altogether. The truth is, most of us are unable to handle fame simply because at some point along the path we forget to LOVE the process of transfiguring our passion into healthy and artful work. Stability threatens freedom. Passion and compassion are the cooking energy. Fame is just a fable — A short story. Love, on the other end, is THE great story — The cause of all things.

“Hold to your own truth
at the center of the image
you were born with.” – David Whyte – Poet

Tash’s Salt.


Also by Natasha:

Flow: Life Lessons From Grandmama Estelle

Keys To Transcending Life’s Push And Pull

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