22nd January 2025


Environmentally Friendly Arts Organisations

Environmentally Friendly

Here at ARC, we challenge ourselves to make a difference to the wider world. Last week, we spent some time talking about our environmental impact, particularly looking at our energy consumption. It also made me wonder how efficiently I was using my personal energy…

Like many arts organisations, we are working hard to try and reduce our energy consumption, as part of a wider commitment to becoming more environmentally sustainable.

On Friday we celebrated the arrival of our annual Display Energy Certificate, which showed we had improved our building’s energy efficiency by 14% since last year.

Our building is fantastic, but it was designed and built before climate change was in everyone’s consciousness, and at a time when energy prices were very low.

Managing our use of energy has therefore always been a challenge – there was a time when utility costs amounted to almost 10% of our turnover. However, thanks to Arts Council England and Stockton Borough Council, successful investment in replacing equipment – particularly lighting – with low-energy alternatives has made a significant impact.

We were therefore delighted to see that our rating has once again reduced, from 57 last year to 49 this year – 100 is deemed average, so the lower the better. In fact, over the past three years, we’ve achieved a 27% reduction in our rating. This reduction is backed up by energy usage figures which show a 37% decrease in CO2e tonnes, and a 20% cost saving.

We’re not complacent, as we know there is a lot more we can do, individually and collectively, but celebrating progress is a great motivator for behavioural change.

This led me to wonder what a 14% improvement in my own personal energy efficiency would look like. How much mental and emotional energy do I waste every day, getting worked up about things that really aren’t important (like someone’s tweet)? What could I achieve, in terms of my own wellbeing, if I put that energy into things that are rejuvenating and replenishing instead?

It feels like the change in behaviour around how we use the planet’s natural resources has grown out of a recognition that they will run out. If I imagine that I only have a finite amount of this energy, would I use it more effectively?

That’s my mission for next week – each time I feel like I am drawing on my mental and emotional energy, to stop and consider whether it is an efficient use of it. Is this particular engagement worth expending energy on, or I am perhaps better to let it go and move on?

Vegan Food Trips

By Annabel Turpin, Stockton Arts Centre
Follow Stockton Arts Centre on Twitter or Facebook

Stockton Arts Centre

Also by ARC:

Well Meaning Regional Arts Centres – And Proud of It

Embracing Disruption to Your Daily Routine

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