22nd January 2025


Life in the Less-Than-5%: Being an Asian-American Sound Tech

Asian-American sound tech

As hate against those who look like me has skyrocketed in the past year, and been largely ignored by the music industry, I’ve started to rethink my assumptions about how I can move through the audio world. If women make up 5% of sound engineers, then the percentage of women of color like me is even smaller. In my nine years in live sound, I have never crossed paths with another Asian-American sound tech, although I know we exist. The times that someone onstage has looked like me have been far and few between. I always thought I would have to be extra careful about my safety because of my gender, not because of my ethnicity. Clearly, that was naïve.

Sam Tanabe: Interview With An Actor & Magazine Editor

Sam Tanabe: Interview With An Actor & Magazine Editor TheatreArtLife

Sam Tanabe is a multitalented actor who has performed at regional theatre across the country, Off-Broadway, on Broadway, on TV, and in commercials. Sam grew up in South Florida always wanting to be an actor. He loves the sun, traveling, SCUBA and Publix chicken tenders subs.



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