22nd January 2025


Le Rêve in Las Vegas: A Tribute

Le Rêve in Las Vegas - a Tribute

August 2020, it was announced that Le Rêve in Las Vegas will go permanently dark. Le Rêve (“The Dream”) is and was not just any show. This is a tribute to a dream, a vision, a milestone, and a pioneering effort that ushered in a new era of aquatics shows. It is a tribute to a show which mesmerized audiences for 15 years. And, most importantly, a tribute dedicated to the creators, cast, and crew of this unforgettable masterpiece.

COVID Creations and Derivatives: Is It Theater?

COVID Creations

In March 2020 when COVID-19 shut down Broadway theaters followed by theaters and live performance venues across the world, the pandemic gave permission to every person, organization, and entity whether they be professional, amateur, or student to go all-out digital. Is it art? Is it theater? Is it fully developed? Is it good? It didn’t […]

Long-Haul Flight Survival Tips and Tricks

long-haul flights

Many aeons ago [read: 10 years], when I left Dixie and opened my career up to the great wide unknown, I learned two things: 1) US tax law is a butt, 2) I’d rather use any form of transportation other than a plane. To the first, I’ll likely cover that elsewhere; to the second, I will address my trepidation and consternations below.



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