History Has Its Eyes On The Disney+ Masterstroke
There’s not been much to shout about for any of us who work in the theatre, film or TV industry since the global pandemic took hold. But with every constraint, there are unexpected opportunities that arise, and for Disney+, a world full of children out of school and stuck at home saw many parents subscribe to the channel as a way to entertain/occupy/babysit the kids.
Creating Greater Stages for Disabled Artists in Performing Arts
Gosh, there is a lot of information to take on board at the moment. There is just so much going on. Everywhere. It feels that we are now based on the internet and not in the real world at all. I’ve now been living in isolation for four months due to the global pandemic. Quite an experience fraught with both challenges and opportunities. Opportunities for meaningful change if only the right voices can be heard in the right places.
#MakeWomenVisible Supported by UK Musicians’ Union
A new campaign #MakeWomenVisible supported by the UK Musician’s Union has the aim of making sure women and girls are not left behind as lockdown is lifted.