What is the Culture of Entertainment? Beginning the Discussion
Every single thing that humans do is cultural. We are a product of the culture that we are raised in – but that’s not to discount the existence of free-will. This means that everything that we do, from what that we eat, to the way we eat is all culturally defined. And there is more variation than you might initially think. The first time I experienced any amount of “culture shock” was a couple of hours after I landed in Romania.
Passion in Breakdancing: A Psychological Approach
In sports psychology, passion defines the way in which an activity is practiced, the object of the passion, and the way in which it is lived by the person, when becoming part of his or her identity. In Breaking, Bboys and Bgirls often identify themselves with the dance. Therefore, passion is understood as a strong preference of the Bboy or Bgirl towards the Breaking activity that he or she considers important in his or her life, that he or she defines it, likes it and to which he or she devotes time and energy.