Spread The Magic! The Birth of St John’s International Circus Festival
Whether you believe that performing arts rhyme with movie, symphony or comedy, inspiring creators and moved spectators can always find a festival that unites craft and creation. At a time where artists keep re-inventing themselves, coming up with new styles and sub-categories that attract new crowds and creators, it feels like every city and every art form now has its gathering.
Rural Arts Festivals: Interview with Paint the Town (UK)
Last season, I joined Vancouver’s Theatre Conspiracy on the UK Tour of their award-winning Foreign Radical. Following the successful presentation at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and receiving The Scotsman Fringe First Award, Conspiracy was the first Canadian company invited to join the Battersea Arts Centre’s Collaborative Touring Network, this was a unique opportunity to experience the networks activities from the inside and meet with some of the folks leading arts festivals in the UK rural areas.