Burlesque Beauty & Cabaret Queen, Miss Polly Rae: Pt. 1
Miss Polly Rae sat down with TheatreArtLife to chat about her life and the steps that lead her into the world of Burlesque. Open and honest, Polly is quite frank about knowing where her talents lie and the need to focus and maximize on those skills to succeed.
Burlesque Beauty & Cabaret Queen, Miss Polly Rae: Pt 2
Part 2 of 2
In the second part of our TheatreArtLife interview with Miss Polly Rae, Polly shares with us what she is doing today after 10 years of being in the Burlesque scene and following the success of her West End show.
Matthew Jessner: Retracing The Path
What Have You Been Up To?
Recently faced with retracing the path I’ve been on over the past 15 years, the scent of nostalgia yields to the freshness of perspective that it lends.
“So, what have you been up to…?”
Who would have thought that that was such a loaded question?
It was asked sincerely, and it jolted me to reflect. Often in this situation, we review chronological milestones to the best of our recollection; A zig-zaggedy ride that reveals wild improvisation, and how much we are affected by unforeseen circumstances.
Curtains Open: The Famous La Traviata Scene Change
On the 21st March 2017, Opera Australia left the curtain open for the audience to see the Opera Australia and Sydney Opera House crew execute one of the fastest and most complex scene changes in the Company’s repertoire. TheatreArtLife caught up with Opera Australia’s Production Manager, James Wheeler to chat about the epic “La Traviata” scene change.