22nd January 2025


Connecting With Others In A Meaningful Way

Connecting With Others

Connecting with people has to do with distance and proximity. When you connect with a person, it means that at some level inside of you, you have decided to have some kind of proximity with that person. On the other hand, when you do not connect it means that you keep people at a distance, being it a conscious decision or not.

The Moon Speech: You Belong To More Than You See

moon speech

Great things have happened to my life. Great opportunities have presented themselves in front of my eyes. They were dressed in many different ways. They looked like painful events, unclear circumstances, facts that did not make sense, lucky occasions, wonderful encounters, loving people around me, and even bitter individuals crossing my path.

Significant Relationships: Where Have People Gone?

Significant Relationships

A few days ago I had an extremely interesting conversation with two friends. It is quite rare to have the opportunity to meet people that genuinely want to share their experience and listen to yours, without any hidden agenda.  The topic? Relationships.

A Moment With: Alvin Tam

Alvin Tam

Alvin Tam, how did you get started in your career? When I was 18, I really had an interest in learning French, so I started looking for schools in any French-speaking part of the world. I lived in Edmonton, Canada at the time, so naturally I researched schools in Quebec. I had a curiosity in […]



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