21st January 2025


Creating Across Cultures, Part 3

creating across cultures

When we arrived at what would be our new home we were in awe, to say the least.  The scale of the Han Show Theatre is something that really needs to be seen to be believed.

Creating Across Cultures: Part 2 – Lateral Versus Literal

Creating across cultures

Lateral Versus Literal We relocated back to Wuhan when the theatre was, well almost complete.  The operations team either moved into the dormitory accommodation provided or we searched for apartments so we could set up our lives here.  Now, this is a vast city, there is construction everywhere and deciding where to establish myself was […]

Creating Across Cultures: Part 1 – Dumpling

Across cultures

Throughout one’s career, one can find themselves making decisions that have the potential of taking one’s life into a variety of different directions, should I take this job or that one?

Do Dancers Need College?

Do Dancers Need College?

It’s the big question that all serious young dancers wonder at some point in their dancing lives. The question parents have as they want to guide their children in the world of the arts and entertainment. The question to which young dancers usually want a specific answer to suite their desires. And also the question … that really does not have a definitive universal answer. Let’s get to some pros and cons to clarify why college and university dance education is the right path for some, and maybe not so much for others.



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