1st January 2025


World Stage Design 2022

World Stage Design (WSD) is the first and only designer-based exhibition to showcase and celebrate performance design from individual designers. Held every four years, WSD has now travelled to four cities, Toronto, Canada (2005); Seoul, South Korea (2009); Cardiff, Wales, UK (2013); Taipei, Taiwan. The sixth WSD exhibition will be held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The WSD2022 exhibitions are open to all designers for performance. We encourage individual designers to forward their work for consideration by the international selection jury. Designers are invited to attend this global event, which will include Scenofest, offering opportunities for multicultural exchange.

Registration for WSD2022, Scenofest and CITT/ICTS Rendez-vous 2022 will open on August 5, 2021.

Scenofest registration for workshops, masterclasses, panels, and keynote speakers will open in the September 2021. Tickets for performances will go on sale in the Fall of 2021.

World Stage Design (WSD) is an OISTAT event that is comprised of 4 distinct components that are presented simultaneously:

1. International Design Exhibition and Competition
2. Scenofest
3. Theatre Architecture Competition (TAC)
4. Technical Invention Prize (TIP)


The Exhibition will divide into the following categories for both Professional and Emerging Designers:

  • Performance Design
  • Space Design
  • Set Design, Sound Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Projection Design
  • Alternative

Special Mentions

The WSD Planning Committee would like to acknowledge achievement in three specific areas. Each designer will be asked to identify if they feel their work should be identified in the following:

Indigenous Design for Performance
The designer may choose to have their work identified for special mention as Indigenous Design for Performance if they identify as an Indigenous Artist as defined by Unesco.

EcoScenography and/or Sustainable Design
The designer may choose to have their work identified for special mention as EcoScenography and/or sustainable design. Please indicate your reasons for seeing your work in this category of specialization.

Mixed Reality Scenography and Design
The designer may choose to have their work identified for special mention as mixed reality scenography which could include AR/VR/MR and other digital contexts. Please indicate your reasons for seeing your work in this category of specialization.

Find all the information on the WSD 2022 website here.

Follow WSD Facebook page here.

Sign-up to stay informed about WSD 2022 here.