31st December 2024


Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas


Stagecraft Institute was founded by Don and Jane Childs and a group of friends to offer a better, more efficient way to train practioners in all areas of live entertainment. SILV was in development for almost 40 years, planning for 3 and conducted their first class in December 2006.

SILV has become a one-of-a-kind intensive training program for students from around the world to meet, learn from, and network with leading experts in live entertainment who are committed to sharing their experience with the next generation.

SILV has evolved into a partnership with industry friends who donate their time, their gear, their studios, workshops, rehearsal spaces and arrange for students to see examples of cutting edge design and technology.

Don’s vision of finding students with “the most potential” is a growing reality. Based on the pattern of Don’s own career, SILV strives to pay back those who have always shared with the next generation in this industry. The practice of teaching students the technology and the sense of accountability and collaboration is at the foundation of SILV.

Don’s favorite quote from his friend Ladislav Vychodil guides SILV.

Integrity is all we have; an artist without integrity has nothing.

As of SILV 2021, over 1500 students have shared the SILV experience.

Learn more about Don’s legacy.


SILV accepts students with the most potential for success in live entertainment; puts them together with the best teachers who are leading professionals in the field of live entertainment; grows the next generation of focused and qualified practioners in the field.

SILV stresses that to succeed you must be fun to work with, reliable, and accountable; you must challenge yourself; and if you don’t know the answer – go find it.

SILV’s goal for each student is that five years after their training at SILV someone asks them, “Where did you learn all that stuff?” and the student says, “Stagecraft Institute,” the other person will reply, “I should have known!”