31st December 2024


Stage Electrics: Clean, Safe Power for Audio, Video and Lighting | March 20-21, 2022 | Lititz, PA

How to set up portable power distribution safely and efficiently. Presented by ETCP Recognized Trainer and author Richard Cadena, this two-day class is for anybody who is involved in setting up stages or oversees the setup of stages.

Electricity and portable power distribution can potentially be hazardous if it is not used carefully by trained, qualified people. Understanding electric circuits, power distribution, grounding and bonding, and other aspects of powering up audio, video, and lighting systems is the key to providing clean power, tracking down and eliminating noises, hums, and buzzes, and safely revolving issues that can interfere with a live or online presentation.

ETCP Recognized class counts as 12 renewal credits.

Note: While ESA is hosting this training as part of our Event Safety Summit programing, this is not an ESA training and is therefore not eligible for education credit redemption.